Disturbances in the knee joints significantly affect quality of life due to pain and difficulty in walking. It is possible to alleviate the complaints of the patients by using various methods from exercise to medication, from physical therapy to intra-articular injections and at the last stage to surgery.


The good news is that; the studies on stem cell therapy in the medical world have made a significant contribution in orthopaedics and especially in the treatment of knee arthritis. Although this method does not yet provide a definite solution for advanced knee arthritis, it provides a decrease in complaints and increase in joint movements, especially in people who do not get results with other methods when applied in early period. The treatment from the patient’s own tissue, makes the stem cell method always attractive.

What is Stem Cell?


Every human is composed from two stem cells’ unite. This main cell proliferates, differentiates and transforms to form tissues, organs and limbs in our bodies. But after our body is completed, there are stem cells in our tissues that remain unchanged. These stem cells turn into the cells of the tissue in where they are injured and repair the injured part. Thus, stem cells repair the hard-to-repair tissues, increase blood flow by creating new blood vessels; tighten and rejuvenate the old tissues. As abstract, stem cells; special cells that have the ability to transform and multiply into different cells. Although their number decreases with age, these potential cells are present in our tissues for life time.

As a result of the researches, it has been shown that the cells as we call mesenchymal stem cells, which can turn into; cartilage, ligament and tendon structure, are found mostly in the fat tissue around the umbilical region. Isolation of these cells by taking from the tissue and giving them to the damaged tissue is called ‘Stem Cell Treatment’ by us. Stem cell solution which prepared by taken injection from adipose tissue is called stromal vascular fraction (SVF). In addition to stem cells, SVF contains fat cells, various healing proteins and other tissue cells.


Although the stem cell treatment varies according to the type of disease, the region to be applied, the type and amount of stem cells to be applied, this method is gradually increasing in our country.  With application of different procedures and methods in the treatment of stem cells, we apply a different method that makes us different.

Out Stem Cell Application Method:


The differantities and advantages of our method, which can be summarized as “Health Coming From Stem Cell”, are as follows:


1- We are applying Stem cell (SVF) and PRP treatment together. Although PRP administration is known as stem cell therapy among people, this is not true. PRP is prepared from blood, while SVF is prepared from adipose tissue. If we translate PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) into speaking language, we can say blood which is enriched from coagulation cells. In this application; the blood taken from the person is subjected to a special treatment; the coagulation cells are separated then turned into serum. This serum contains various proteins that stimulate the healing of the body. Thanks to these proteins, PRP treatment has a stimulating effect on healing. PRP treatment can be performed before stem cell therapy or as a single session with stem cell therapy. Thus, a stronger tissue repair can be achieved by stimulating the transformation of stem cells to the original cells of the tissue, which applied to the damaged area.


2- Since it is possible to separate millions of stem cells from small amounts of adipose tissue such as 30 cc, today we are able to perform stem cell treatment only with local anesthesia.


3- The procedure can be completed in 45 minutes, patient can go home after resting for 1 hour.

When stem cell (SVF) treatment is used?


Today, we are using stem cell therapy mostly for joint arthritis with mild or moderate cartilage erosion. Arthritis, more accurately joint aging pain, may start after in; females 40 and males after 45 years of age. The important thing here is to start treatment before the progression of wear, so before it is too late. Otherwise, in the joints with with advantage deformation and with no cartilage, stem cell treatment does not have the ability to bring back the cartilage.


In addition to this, stem cell therapy in orthopaedics;

  • In the treatment of partial muscle-tendon tears (shoulder, anterior cruciate ligament, achilles, etc.) and non-surgical tears of the meniscus, for early return to the field in athlete injuries,
  • to help tissue healing during surgery: Shoulder muscle and tendon ruptures, meniscus, anterior cruciate ligament and osteonecrosis which cause bone death due to interruption of blood flow to the bone for any reason,
  • Tendon inflammations such as tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendinitis,
  • Especially in the treatment of non-closure wounds such as diabetic wounds and venous ulcer wounds, it gives good results.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy:


Today,stem cell treatments are applied as new treatments; as well as all over the world it has started to become widespread in recent times in Turkey. Although new research on stem cells continues, it is clear that the application provides significant benefits in the orthopedic field. Especially in knee arthritis, stem cell therapy is promising.  Cartilage damage is very difficult to heal on its own. At this point, while stem cell therapy is beneficial, after the application, pain relieves and movement limitations are improved.


Are there any side effects of stem cell therapy?


Since stem cells are obtained from the person’s own tissue, they do not cause any side effects or allergic reactions. There is a risk of local side effects only allied with intervention and 5% risk of temporary swelling in the knee. These side effects usually disappear within 1-2 weeks.


Whom are stem cell therapy can not used on?


It is not applied to people who use anticoagulant drugs and have; bleeding-clotting disorder, infection, rheumatic diseases and immune system weakened for different reasons.

In aspirin-like drug users, the drug should be discontinued 5 days before the intervention.



When does the effect of stem cell therapy begin and how long does it benefit?


Since the studies are very recent, 2 years of results have been reported. Accordingly, the effect of the application is occurs within a month and usually the effect lasts for 2 years.


How many times can stem cells be applied?


Usually single dose administration is sufficient. However, the process can be repeated as required.


How much does stem cell cost?


Although the cost varies according to the type of the disease, the region to be applied, the type and amount of stem cells to be applied, stem cell treatment has decreased to easily accessible costs thanks to the widespread use and the decrease in consumable prices due to competition.


Does Stem Cell Therapy provide a solution for all joint pain?


Today, joint pain is a very common problem and there are no people who have not experienced joint pain in their life.

However, not every joint pain is the same. As all joints are different, even the right and left side joints of the person are different from each other. In addition, joint pain not occurs due to a single cause. For example; calcification, trauma, rheumatic diseases, blood diseases, congenital joint diseases. In addition to these, personal factors (weight, muscle structure, sex) affect the amount of joint wear.

Therefore, no patient is the same as the other, and even the right and left joints of the same person are different from each other. Therefore, each individual, each joint should be evaluated individually; the treatments that can be applied after necessary examinations should be determined, the results that can be obtained as a result of treatment should be discussed with the patient and expectations should be determined well.


Is stem cell therapy a solution that eliminates knee replacement surgery?


Stem cell therapy is a new hope for the treatment of cartilage damage that can be seen in every part of the society. Stem cell therapy is a good treatment for arthritis with mild or moderate cartilage erosion. However, stem cell therapy does not replace prosthesis surgery in advanced cartilage loss and even bone deformed joints, but it may delay the surgery for a while.